Saturday, March 20, 2010

Twitter prefers entertainment to news

Does Adónde go the Twitter users with his linkage? When the microblogging tool strengthens every day his effect of replacement of the RSS for the social flow, the entertainment and the social networks are the destinations preferred by the users, according to Hitwise information.
The informative means occupy the fifth place in the preferences of the tuiteros, although the analyzed information is not included by the numerous clients of Twitter, used by his most active usarios.
Facebook and Twitter increase his influence in the information reading, but the biggest hearing of the first one affects with major intensity the traffic of the informative means.
Facebook is in the United States the third traffic source for the informative means, much ahead of Google News in the position 11 and it is 39 in the providers' traffic ránking.
Inside the means, the North American tuiteros prefer The Huffington Post, the way that more traffic receives from Twitter followed by CNN and The New York Times.

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